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 (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella

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(zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty
Message Sujet: (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella   (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty Jeu 16 Mai - 15:12

if I love you was a promise, would you break it if your honest ?
Zineb Talhi – 28 ans – Infirmière Autorisé
(001.) je suis originaire du maroc. mes parents ont décidé de venir s’établir ici à new york lorsque je n’avais que 2 ans. quelques années après notre arrivé, mon père est décédé du cancer généralisé.  (002.) ma mère c’est remarié avec un homme riche de new york et elle a donné naissance à mon frère zakaria. nous sommes très proche l’un de l’autre et j’ai toujours été là pour mon frère lorsque mes parents n’étaient pas avec nous. (003.) ma mère et son mari nous avait abandonné plusieurs fois avant que la protection de la jeunesse vienne nous chercher pour nous placer en famille d’accueil. une famille du queens nous avait adoptés après avoir reçu le verdict du juge. ceci ma déchiré le cœur de voir que ma propre mère est fait ça à cause d’un homme qui n’a aucune valeur familiale, mais j’ai retrouvé mon bonheur avec cette nouvelle famille. (004.) j’ai eu un parcours très différent dans ma nouvelle famille. j’ai goûtée à une liberté encore plus grande et j’ai aussi eu la chance d’exécrer des sports de mon choix. tout au long de mes années au primaire et du lycée, j’ai pratiqué pendant longtemps les arts martiaux. le judo et le kick boxing était devenu une spécialité et j’ai aussi eu la chance de participer aux jeux olympiques en judo. oui, je suis une ancienne athlète olympiques et j’en suis fière. j’ai eu la chance de ramener 2 belles médailles d’or aux états-unis et je porte ma bague des anneaux olympiques avec fierté. (005.) j’ai été en couple avec mon high school sweetheart pendant 3 ans et nous nous sommes séparés avant le début de mes études à l’université, car il quittait pour l’europe pour de bon. nous sommes en très bon terme aujourd’hui et notre amitié ne nous a jamais quittés, mais je voulais devenir une personne différente que lui. je ne m’aurai jamais sentie moi-même en essayant d’être une personne que je ne suis pas. (006.) j’ai complété mes études universitaire pour devenir infirmière autorisé, ce qui veut dire que je peux donner des diagnostiques, je peux donner des prescriptions, je peux assister les médecins en chirurgie, etc. je dois quand même avoir la probation des médecins, car ils doivent être d’accord avec le travail que je donne. (007.) j’ai revu ma mère il y a 2 ans. elle était dans une salle d’accouchement donnant naissance à des jumeaux. j’étais sous le choc en voyant ce qui se passait et elle celle-ci ne m’a pas reconnu pendant plusieurs minutes. tout ce qu’elle a reconnu est ma tâche de naissance que j’ai sur mon avant-bras. j’étais très surprise et attristé de voir comment elle était devenue. je lui ai promis de couper les ponts avec elle si elle essayait de rentrer en contact avec moi ou même avec zakaria. (008.) j’ai en ménagé dans mon premier condo lorsque j’ai eu les fonds nécessaire pour commencer ma vie par moi-même. ma mère adoptive était attristée de voir que je quittais la maison, mais je lui ai promis que j’étais pour revenir plus souvent qu’elle le pensait. nous  ne sommes jamais trop loin de notre vrai chez nous. (009.) je suis retourné au maroc l’année dernière avec zakaria pour visiter de la famille. ils étaient surpris de voir que nous n’étions pas avec notre mère et personne ne savais que notre père était décédé il y a quelques années. en dehors de tout ça, nous étions très heureux d’avoir revu notre famille pour quelques mois et de pouvoir parler notre langue maternelle, c’est une chance en or que nous avons de pouvoir l’exécrer avec ceux qu’on n’aime. (010.) la vie nous apporte beaucoup de surprise et surtout quand nous avons la chance d’accueillir un nouveau membre parmi nous. mon frère et sac opine attende un bébé dans les prochains mois et je suis aux anges de savoir que je suis la marraine de ce petit être que j’aime déjà énormément. j’essaie de savoir le sexe du bébé, mais mon frère désire garder la surprise et je respecte sa décision même si je suis très curieuse.
(av) moonlight (cit) the smiths (code) élissan.

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(zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty
Message Sujet: Re: (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella   (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty Jeu 16 Mai - 15:12


(( woman power, woman power, woman power ))
élissan + the smiths.

reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.

(( woman power, woman power, woman power ))
élissan + the smiths.

reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.

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(zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty
Message Sujet: Re: (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella   (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty Jeu 16 Mai - 15:13


(( heros of the past, present and future ))
élissan + the smiths.

reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.

(( heros of the past, present and future ))
élissan + the smiths.

reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.

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(zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty
Message Sujet: Re: (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella   (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty Jeu 16 Mai - 15:13

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(zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty
Message Sujet: Re: (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella   (zineb) a dream is a wish your heart makes - cinderella Empty

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